In this class we will start in the surf zone then go beyond to the outer coast (as long as conditions allow) We will work on strategies to extract both yourself and your team from situations that could arise while paddling on the coast or rock gardening. You will build the confidence needed to play in dynamic coastal areas. We will also work on rolling in conditions for those who have a roll.
Location: North Oregon Coast possibly Cascade Head or Pacific City- location pending conditions
Time 8:00-2:30 We will be meeting at 8am to secure parking which can be challenging later on
Class Level Intermediate or Advanced Intermediate
*Previous coastal surf zone experience and good fitness, with the ability to cart your boat a ling distance, required* Contact me with questions
Cost $149 Plus 6% booking company fee. (Min 3 - Max 4 with 1 instructor - more may be added with an additional instructor)
We pay the booking fee if you enter promo code no6%fee when signing up.