Still, after many years and hundreds of roll students as California Canoe & Kayaks senior roll instructor, I really enjoy getting people there FIRST roll! My roll instruction focuses on getting paddlers a usable roll that will prepare them to roll in rough water when its needed. If you have never been in a kayak or are interested in improving your existing roll, you can become confident in this skill.
With pools still closed, I am running classes by appointment in open water venues in Portland. To sign up for a rolling class or get more information CONTACT ME and I will get back to you shortly.
Pricing for private (apx 1.5hr) rolling classes: For [1 person$80] [2 people $50ea]
I found there was a gap between students learning and practicing their roll in calm water to transitioning that roll to something usable in conditions. So I created a class just for that transition called Situational Rolling & Bracing. In this class we start the day in calm water and gradually build into conditions. Here is a video from one of my my Situational Rolling & Bracing Classes: